The Heartland Church Network is here to START churches that make maturing, reproducing, obedient disciples of Jesus Christ. We are praying that over the next five years a minimum of 100 churches and church plants will have been started in our area!
New Church Start PacketClick on the links below for helpful information for new church plants.
Fill in the blank Articles of Incorporation Four Page By-Laws Very Simple By-Laws HCN Petitionary Letter Housing Allowance Worksheet KNCSB Petitionary Letter Legal Areas Pertaining to Church Life New Church Packet Cover Page SBC BCI Cooperative Program Giving SBC KSNCS Cooperative Pogram Giving HCN Resource Handbook Baptist Faith and Message - English Baptist Faith and Message - Spanish Baptist Faith and Message - French |
The 2024 Start Work Group
Steve Holdaway, LifeSpring Church Ryan Johnston, NAMB & LifeSpring Luke Gorsett, Emmaus Bible Gene Stockton, Heartland Community Baptist Mike Whitney, Sower Church David Martinez, NAMB & Northern Heights Baptist Jacob Richardson, NAMB & CityLight Mosaic The Start Work Group exists to equip, encourage, and support churches that make maturing, reproducing, obedient disciples of Jesus Christ. And the master said to the servant, 'Go out to the highways and hedges and compel people to come in, that my house may be filled.
Luke 14:23 But the word of God increased and multiplied.
Acts 12:24 ...The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.
Matthew 9:37-38 |
No Place Left / Four Fields Documents
Prayer Walking Information |
Each One Praying
Each One Reach One
Each One Disciple One
Each One Start One
Each One Reach One
Each One Disciple One
Each One Start One
Our Church Planting Page provides a plethora of information for prospective church planters!